
Friday, December 14, 2012

The Art of Success

Success: Something that we all long for.  Something that we all desire and are determined to capture. Something that is important in all of our lives.  No one likes to lose.  Being successful is a form of art.  Not everyone can do it.

Success comes in many forms.  It is also different in everyone's eyes, as it should be.  Personally, success for me would be having enough money to be able to provide for my future family's every need and most wants.  There are many ways that this could be obtained, but it all derives around obtaining a college degree.  To this point I have been quite successful.  Every goal that I have set, I have met.  College is next on the list and like many others in the world, I am working ever so diligently to be able to cross it off the list.

Success in some people's eyes are rather unobtainable.  You must be careful with this because if you are unable to complete those goals, you may feel like a "failure" in the end.  It is important to pick challenging, yet realistic goals.  But also you must remember that if it doesn't work the first time, you must try it again.  Never give up on yourself.  Michael Jordan said a perfect quote that applies to this.  He said, "You miss 100% of the shots that you don't take."  This reinforces my belief that if you believe in yourself, you can do really great things.  Beliefs are a form of art.

There are several things that must be included in this art form; family, hard work, discipline, beliefs and skills.  This can be broken down into an easy explanation! You must be educated so that you have the skills.  Once you have the skills, you can apply them by working hard in your chosen career field.  While doing this you have to believe in yourself and believe in what you were trained to do. If you work hard and are disciplined, you will be able to provide a living for your family. By applying all five of these aspects, you will be successful in not only your career but in your life. It truly is an art form!

The Opportunity of Teaching Art

Before the semester began, I was instructed that I needed to take an Art class so I could complete my “Gen-ed” course load.  After looking through the choices, I chose an Art Education class.  I didn’t really know what this course entailed until the first day of class.  Naturally, it ended up being a class for the future art teachers of America.  As I sat there and looked around I truly didn’t fit in.  Everyone had a very artsy appearance to them.  I was the stereotypical jock in the back sitting there at 6’2 and 240 pounds.  Not your typical art student.
As the semester passed us by, we were instructed that our final project would be spending a day teaching art to 6th graders from the local middle school.  This would happen at the McCann School of Art, an artistic retreat tucked into the mountainous terrain of nearby Petersburg, PA.  Local middle and high school students regularly take educational field trips to McCann, so they can learn more about their passion of art in this unique atmosphere.
On Wednesday December 5th, 2012, I had the privilege to conduct my final project at the school.  This day would forever mold me into a more, well-rounded person.   A better person.
After I had the pleasure of meeting these children, I instantly took to them, as they did me.  The kids were excited to learn from me, since my difference in appearance caught their attention.  Initially they told me that I “looked just like” their favorite NFL Player Clay Matthews (Linebacker for the Green Bay Packers).  I assured them that I wasn’t him, haha.  After clearing that up, they were eager to discover what they would be learning for the day.  After revealing what I was teaching them, they were ecstatic.  After showing them a video about Aboriginal dot paintings and delivering them a block of instruction, we instantly got to work.  The kids were focused on their projects and excited to see how theirs would turn out.  Even while they were focused on their work, they were still somehow able to ask me a million questions about football, Penn State, art, etc.  My favorite question of the day was, “So you can play football and also be interested in Art?”  I laughed about this because even 6th graders are well aware of the stereotypes of society.

I am very experienced dealing with children, since I have such a large family.  So this was a natural experience for me.  I enjoyed it thoroughly because it was art and it gave me an opportunity to hopefully make a difference in a child’s life.  The youth of America, is our future.  If we all take some time to work with them, it will set us up for success.  I hope that they can look back years later and remember the day that the football player taught them art.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Self Evaluation


Coming into this semester, let’s say I was less than thrilled to be taking an English course.  Next to math, English is my least favorite subject.  Now as we near completion of the semester, I am actually happy that I took the course.  After discovering that there is a lot more writing involved with the course then reading, I began to enjoy it more.  Writing is one of my favorite things to do.  I have been through a lot of things in my short life:  Quite possibly more than anyone in college.  All of this is great for that of a writer.  I always have something to talk about which translates into the fact that I always have something to write about.
Creative writing has emerged as a hobby of mine.  The memoir assignment in class actually fueled this.  After numerous deployments in the Army, I have seen a lot.  The assignment in class only covered the introduction of the plot.  So I have been adding more to the memoir and I will turn it into something that paints the picture of what military members go through on a daily basis.  The things that have made me who I am today.  It will also show that no matter what you throw at me.. College is not stressful compared to what I have been through.  So give it your best shot.  You won’t faze me.
Growing up in PA, I was always interested in Penn State.  I always wanted to come here to obtain the prestigious degree.  I have also always wanted to come here and play football.  In my family, sports were always important (as they should be).  Even though getting an education is and should be the most important thing, sports also prepare you for the bigger picture in life.  Teamwork and management skills are sharpened through sports, as well as being a healthier human being.  I have several family members that have graduated from Penn State, so it has become a family tradition.  I plan to pass it on to my future children as well.
I learned a lot about myself over the course of this semester.  I learned that college can be easily obtainable through some hard work and dedication.   While I was in the Army, I had a lot of old friends graduate with a degree and I asked myself, “how did they get a degree, they are damn near an idiot?”  This truly opened my eyes to the world that I need a degree as well.  I am a very competitive person, so I don’t like to lose at anything.  Especially in the game of life.  So I made up my mind that as soon as I am out of the Army, I am going to college.  Before this semester, people told me that I was crazy for “attempting” to take 18 credits.  I like a challenge.  Needless to say I am taking 21 credits in the spring.  I didn’t come to college for the party life, like some kids have.  I am here to get in and get out.  I will enjoy this “break from life” while I can.  But by all means I am ready to get back out there ASAP and be successful.
The Arts: I feel that art is all around us.  I feel that if you are going to take the time to do something in life, you must be successful.  In order to be successful, it takes the “art” of doing it.  For example:  The art of creative writing, the art of playing football, the art of being a professional painter, etc.  Life is art.  I have learned that this is my relationship to art.  It is everywhere!

2. Blog Response Round-up

3.  Hi, Ms. S--I completed my SRTEs!