
Friday, December 14, 2012

The Art of Success

Success: Something that we all long for.  Something that we all desire and are determined to capture. Something that is important in all of our lives.  No one likes to lose.  Being successful is a form of art.  Not everyone can do it.

Success comes in many forms.  It is also different in everyone's eyes, as it should be.  Personally, success for me would be having enough money to be able to provide for my future family's every need and most wants.  There are many ways that this could be obtained, but it all derives around obtaining a college degree.  To this point I have been quite successful.  Every goal that I have set, I have met.  College is next on the list and like many others in the world, I am working ever so diligently to be able to cross it off the list.

Success in some people's eyes are rather unobtainable.  You must be careful with this because if you are unable to complete those goals, you may feel like a "failure" in the end.  It is important to pick challenging, yet realistic goals.  But also you must remember that if it doesn't work the first time, you must try it again.  Never give up on yourself.  Michael Jordan said a perfect quote that applies to this.  He said, "You miss 100% of the shots that you don't take."  This reinforces my belief that if you believe in yourself, you can do really great things.  Beliefs are a form of art.

There are several things that must be included in this art form; family, hard work, discipline, beliefs and skills.  This can be broken down into an easy explanation! You must be educated so that you have the skills.  Once you have the skills, you can apply them by working hard in your chosen career field.  While doing this you have to believe in yourself and believe in what you were trained to do. If you work hard and are disciplined, you will be able to provide a living for your family. By applying all five of these aspects, you will be successful in not only your career but in your life. It truly is an art form!

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