
Friday, September 28, 2012

The Arboretum at Penn State

It was a cool and crisp morning in State College.  As we stood outside overlooking the Arboretum, I couldn't help but to enjoy both the view and the fresh air.  This was my first time here, so it was a very rejuvenating experience.  There aren't many places like this on campus.  So it was nice to enjoy the scenery of something other than another rustic, brick building.

It's always nice to remove yourself from the "hustle and bustle", to a peaceful and serene state of mind.  Surrounding myself in a natural haven, is something that I have always enjoyed.  I enjoy nature, because it's something that has been here much longer than myself.  So it's a nice escape from reality, to be able to reflect on the ever-so-hectic college experience.  This escape is like a weekend visit to the Grandparents.  A relaxing, emotionally warm situation full of answers to more questions then imaginable.  Nothing compares.

I can definitely imagine coming back here in the future.  I plan to bring my mother here so she can enjoy it as well.  Her favorite flower is the sunflower.  There was a beautiful sunflower garden on the west side of the Arboretum.  One that a flower-loving mother could truly appreciate!

The main gardens with assorted flowers, plants and well-manicured shrubs, were definitely pleasing to the eyes. To me it represented an organized and well structured lifestyle.  Something that I can appreciate.  There is obviously a number of dedicated landscaping professionals that oversee the endless maintenance and upkeep.  Everything was meticulously cared for, to every last detail.

Upon entering the lily pond area, I stopped to once again enjoy the view.  The majority of the pond was covered with greenery and lily pads.  It was yet another quiet and serene landmark at the Arboretum.  Since this was the last part of the visit, I grabbed a nearby seat to freeze-frame the experience.  This way I could reflect on the days of my childhood.  This experience directly related to those days because while I was inside these gardens, I didn't have a care in the world.  As a child, it was a simple and stress-free lifestyle. Something that I miss at times now that I am a young man.

I challenge you to take ten minutes, an hour, whatever you can sacrifice, and go to the Arboretum at Penn State.  Remove yourself from your life and take the most peaceful walk imaginable.  Reflect on things and regain that spark that is needed to be successful.  My promise to you, is that you will not regret it.  After all, we all need a humbling experience from time to time.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Palmer Museum Visitation

This had been my first visit to an art museum.  In the end, I must say I was rather impressed.  While taking a stroll throughout the museum there was one piece of art that really stood out to me.  One that I could relate to in nearly every aspect of my life. Working Horse, Hauling by Kate Javens.  It is an oil painting on canvas that was painted in 1994.  It was by far, on the the newer works of art in the museum. 

As I finished walking up the stairs to the second floor, this work of art stopped me in my tracks like I was just struck by a tractor-trailer on the highway.  It's size was quite over-powering and made me feel attached to it immediately.  It was created in 1994, so I wouldn't say that it has any historical relationship with the time period.  But I would say that it can relate to the time period socially.  The 90's was a decade based on a strong working class.  This working horse is shown through the art that it is working hard and hauling something heavy up a hill.  It is digging deep and struggling, but it is still moving forward towards its goal.

The piece did work my emotions a bit.  I related to it because like many people, I have been through some very tough experiences in life.  Just like the horse, we all have to dig deep and keep fighting for what we believe in to achieve goals and victories throughout our lives.  It also shows me that we should never give up.  That anything can be accomplished through persistence, hard work and dedication.

Kate Javens is an American visual artist and was a graduate of Penn State.  She is from Harlem in New York City.  Her animal paintings have the same moral values of the people that have inspired her in her life.  So not only does she feel that she can relate to her own art personally, but so can the individuals that inspired her.  Her artwork can be found across the Country in Philadelphia, State College, New York City, Iowa, Connecticut and many other cities.

This work is very inspirational to its viewers.  It not only motivates you to work hard and fight through the pain, but also to never give up on your dreams.  That point was instantly persuasive in my mind, as soon as I laid eyes on it at the top of the stairwell.

All in all, it was an extraordinary experience visiting the Palmer Museum.  It was a peaceful and humbling experience.  I would absolutely return to the Palmer in the future, which says a lot figuring I am not your typical museum-goer!

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Situation

Template: For my blog I chose the most studious template of all! After all, our studies are the reason that we are all here, right? I thoroughly sorted through all of the templates. The background that appealed to me most consisted of a well-stocked book shelf. It is colorful enough to grab your attention, but it won't take away from the most glorious blogs of all time. My font is basic and simple. This is again, to not take away from the art that is written on my pages.

Title: My blog title, "The Melting Pot" illustrates what my blog will consist of. Numerous pieces of the most random, yet appealing written reflections. I see myself as a melting pot in many different ways. My heritage is a simple example. Like most Americans I am mixed with a few different backgrounds. I am mostly Italian, German and Sicilian. (Now you know the reasoning for my over sized nose!) Another reason I consider myself as a melting pot is because of all of the experiences I have been through in my young adult life. College Sports, the Army and the overall "stresses of adulthood", have molded me into the man that I am today. Finally, the melting pot terminology also relates to the typical college experience. It is not only a mixture of educational classes, but a variety of life choices and stresses. This will all shape us after a few short years into successful young professionals.

Pages: To this point I have two pages on my blog. I have an "About Me" page that obviously briefly explains my story. It tells you who I am, where I am from, why I have made the blog and how I got here. I also have a "Home" page. This is where you will find all of the latest excitement in my life! The point of my posts are to not only accomplish an assignment, but to keep you pacing in your room just waiting for that next post!

Analysis: To this point, my blog is quite similar to my personality. Not only does it represent the focus of education, but it represents the fact that quality and original things can be constructed around simple and less "flashy" illustrations. This way it serves a strong and concise execution. This is my first blog, so as expected it has taken some work. I have inserted a link list so that you, the reader can attach my work on your pages, if you deem necessary. I will be sure to consistently add more posts, pictures and excitement to this Melting Pot! Be sure to check back soon!