
Friday, October 12, 2012

Movie Review

Old School (2003)
What would you do to recapture your youth?
If you are looking for a ridiculously comedic film featuring Will Ferrell and his bare-buttocks, then look no further.  The year’s best comedy has arrived.  Old School will give you your fix for the ever-so-addictive, immature comedy genre.

Ferrell plays Frank, a newly married man that’s wed to an overly-controlling wife (Perrey Reeves) that consistently gives a terrible attempt at being an adult. But in reality, he longs for the days of streaking nude, partying uncontrollable and getting into all sorts of shenanigans with his friends Mitch (Luke Wilson) and Beanie (Vince Vaughn). All three are middle-aged men with problems with the ladies.  In order to restore their chances for free reined lust with women; they make their best attempt to go back in time when beer bonging, babe banging and party rocking was the norm:  They create a fictitious college fraternity.

As a fan of Will Ferrell, I expected the film to be on point after seeing his supporting cast.  As usual, I was correct.  Ferrell, Wilson and Vaughn all capture the audience by their realistic and convincing brotherly roles.  They all seemed to mesh well together, almost as if they were the best of friends in reality.  They hit the mark perfectly with this one when it comes to stereotypical college movies (with the exception of men starting a frat that aren’t even enrolled in the college).  Everyone always associates college movies with a slight amount of schooling, a moderate amount of sex and a ton drinking and partying.  All aspects were covered in this one! There was an occasional humor dry spell throughout, but that is natural with comedies.  After all, they had to add a tiny, little bit of “lovey-drama” in there for the women that can relate to the flick as well!

Other than a fire stunt there was certainly a lack of special effects, but who cares?  When you have Snoop Dogg performing live on stage at your frat party — who needs them?  The film quality was superb and really touches on something that men face at least once in their life.  The crisis of wanting to roll back time and “relive the party!” 

Old School was filmed in 2003 and directed by Todd Phillips (The Hangover, Due Date and Project X).  It was inducted into the Spike Guy’s Choice Awards: Guy Movie Hall of Fame in 2012.  

Normally, I wouldn’t go out of my way to watch a movie that has a nude man running down Main Street.  But since it is Will Ferrell’s grotesquely flabby self, it is hilarious.  So for the obnoxious humor and stupidity of Old School, I will make an exception over and over.



  1. I think it is interesting that you claim Old School is a "typical" college film but yet is still is an exeption to the stereotype! I think it's good that even the most outrageous movie can be funny! I thought that part of the comment was backed up by you telling me that the director, Todd Philips also directerd another well known outrageous funny film! Great job simply defining the film!

  2. As a Will Ferrel fan myself, I'd have to agree that this basically fits his repertoire of films. I agree that if you like the rest of his films, you're going to like this one as well. The chemistry between the three actors, as you said, is entertaining and it's non-stop outrageous. I liked how you said that the film went through some "dry spells." It was a nice way of critiquing what you've seen without saying that parts weren't perfect. Good critique!

  3. I have yet to see this movie. This really makes me want to go watch it now. I love comedies and I am a huge Will Ferrel fan. I really enjoy movies that I can relate to some how. I can only imagine watching a older man trying to revisit his youth. This movies sounds like provides all of the typical college stereotypes under one film. Nicely done!
